COVID-19 and HVAC Filtration

What filters can I use to help reduce the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19)?

For certain commercial facilities that require a higher standard of protection against any potential exposure to COVID-19, or for facilities drawing air from areas more likely to contain contaminants, the person(s) in responsible for filtration should investigate the possibility of using MERV 14 to 16 filters.

Options for MERV-14 to MERV-16 fitlers that will help reduce the spread are posted below:

MERV 14 filters:

MERV 15 filters:

MERV-16 Filters:

Please note, filtration can only reduce the risk of COVID-19 spreading in your facility.

For critical areas that call for an even higher level of efficiency, we recommend HEPA filters. Furthermore, ASHRAE has provided more in-depth information on COVID-19 and filtration.

Written by: Michael Lopez

Jeff Rosen