Custom Filters
One of our specialties at Taff-Guard Filtration is providing custom-sized filters to customers without an excessive waiting period.
Before inquiring about a custom filter, it is important to measure the exact length, width and thickness dimensions, as shown on the right.
The filter might have dimensions written on it (nominal sizing), but it is common for these numbers to be slightly different from the exact measurements.
Call Now to order custom filters, or if you have questions: (905) 629-1110
Pleated and Throwaway Filters
Our production facility is equipped to resize frames from pleated and throwaway filters to any length and width required.
For pleated and throwaway filters larger that 30” on any one side, it will be necessary to make two filters and bond them together using special adhesives.
This is necessary to ensure the filter will not be too weak to support itself.
This is called a “two-piece filter.” The filter to the right is an example of this..
High Efficiency Filters
We are able to provide high efficiency filters, such as pocket filters, rigid cells, mini-pleats and many others, in custom sizes.
For quotes or orders on High Efficiency filters we will need to know the efficiency of your filter and whether it has one, two or no headers.
These types of custom filters often have longer lead times than other filters, so please inquire well in advance.
two piece FILTER
Filter frames bonded together to achieve large custom sizes